Is there a way to prevent premature ejaculation, or are you destined to a life of coming up too short during sex? Well, you are going to love hearing this, because truth is, premature ejaculation is a condition that is not set in stone. This means you can easily reverse those triggers or reflexes that cause rapid ejaculation and extend your stamina in bed. One of the best ways to achieve lasting sexual power is to practice exercises that are specifically developed to boost your sexual endurance. Read this article now if you want to learn two simple workouts that will help you achieve this sexual milestone.
Endurance Exercise #1 - PC Contraction
Ever heard of kegel exercises? I bet you do. These are extremely popular exercises that women use to tighten their vaginas for better control during sex and more explosive orgasms. Similarly, PC contractions are modified kegel techniques developed to help men gain superior ejaculatory control during sex. These exercises serve to improve the strength of the PC or Pubococcygeal muscles - the same set of muscles that you use to stop urination. Alternatively, these are also the same muscles you feel "contracting" when you try to tighten your abs or squeeze your buttocks.
PC contraction exercise: This is what you do. Clench or squeeze your PC muscle. Feel the tension and hold it for two to three seconds. Then relax this muscle for the same duration and clench again. Repeat this process about ten to twenty times in one session.
Endurance Exercise #2 - Pelvic Lifts
You use your pelvic muscles during sexual penetration, thus strengthening these muscles will also boost your sexual stamina. To perform a pelvic exercise, simply lie down on your back with your knees bent and both hands at your side. Then lift your pelvis off the ground to the point that your back is straightened while simultaneously clenching your abs and buttocks. Make sure your entire body weight is supported only your shoulders, head and feet. Hold your body weight for 10 seconds, release then repeat the process again. Do ten to fifteen sets of this exercise per day and you will significantly improve your pelvic muscles.
Key point to note
These two exercises are time-tested techniques to prevent premature ejaculation and boost your sexual endurance. But it is also equally important to maintain a general exercise regimen. Why? For one, any form of regular exercise or sports will promote increased energy levels, higher metabolism and improves blood circulation to your penis. This will naturally improve your libido and give you greater confidence in bed to boot!
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