Any guy can learn how to build sexual endurance and be a sex god in women's eyes. With the right tips, techniques and strategies, you can last like a stallion in bed and give yourself and your partner a far more satisfying time.
One of the keys to lasting longer during sex is to strengthen those muscles in your pelvic area. These are the muscles that control the release of urination and semen.
But if you need some quick fixes to prolonging the pleasure in bed, try these six useful tips:
Tip #1 - "Slow, Anticipatory Sex": When you are making love to your woman, build it up slowly. You should not start pounding away as soon as you get into bed. This happens in porn movies only! Take it nice and slow. Speed can be your worst enemy when you are trying to last longer in bed.
Tip #2 - "Fellatio Treatment": This is one of the best ways to ensure you last the distance. Ask her to give you oral sex before engaging in intercourse. Once you ejaculate, you will take a longer time to do so again. You can use this time to return her the favor. Believe me, you will not find her refusing you!
Tip #3 - "The Gung-Ho Female Stance": Letting her be on top during sex helps to naturally relax your body muscles and are proven effective in maintaining your arousal control.
Tip #4 - "The Missionary Man": If you are using the missionary position, try doing so with her legs open wide. This will ease the pressure on your penis and add some minutes to your sex.
Tip #5 - "Bladder Blaster": Never get into sex with a full bladder. When you make love on a full bladder, it puts pressure on your abdominal and pelvic muscles - a guaranteed way to get into ejaculation mode real soon.
Tip #6 - "Clitoral Titillation": The simple truth is that women do not really need you to go on and on. They need you to make the experience more erotic while you are at it. So to make the experience better for her, try stimulating her clitoris. Forgetting this is like trying to open a door without the key! While you are catching a few breaths, don't leave her high and dry! Stimulate her with your fingers or tongue, so that she is ready to peak when you are!
Last Longer in Bed. TRUESTAMINA.COM