When it comes to lasting longer in bed, there are many solutions that help to curb premature ejaculation - but only a handful truly works. Want to know why? The simple reason is that most solutions focus on "band-aid" techniques that fail to permanently address the primary factors that cause PE. The success to any premature ejaculation technique will depend on whether you can relax in the right manner during sex. What are we talking about? Read on to find out...
How is relaxation related to premature ejaculation?
It is simple. Whether you ejaculate at the right time depends a lot on your mental control. You CANNOT control your mental responses unless you are totally relaxed. The good news is that you can continue with the physical stimulation and still last longer, if you can control yourself with the right frame of mind.
Mental control at the time of having sex is not something you are born with (well, some men are - but they are a rare breed!). You need to cultivate this form of control, just as you practice and cultivate the right techniques in bed!
Once you control yourself well at the time of sex, you can last longer in bed - more than you ever dreamt about!
That sounds reasonable. How do I do it?
It is remarkably simple. There are two basic techniques that you can use to relax almost instantly, even when you are in the throes of heightened pleasure. You will find that one of them always works for you. You might also see that both work for you, but at different times. The trick is to practice them well and then find out which one works for you, and at what times.
Technique #1 - Deep relaxation: This is the type of relaxation you experience when you are getting a wonderful massage, relaxing to music or just meditating (don't worry, I won't ask you to meditate during sex!).
It puts you in a deeply relaxed state where you are able to enjoy the full sensual aspects of lovemaking instead of just focusing on the titillating sensations you experience during intercourse.
Technique #2 - Neutral relaxation: This form of relaxation is less deep in nature. In this state, you enjoy the sensations, but in a neutral manner. You focus on the feelings you are getting, just as you would focus on a book that is not boring, but not very interesting either!
Your interest should be there, but not in an all encompassing manner! Get the flow? You will be able to enjoy the sensations and last longer if you relax right.
Last Longer in Bed. TRUESTAMINA.COM